I’m still alive!

Well i’m still here and I am feeling great and have keeping up going to Metafit classes 3 times a week, I am really enjoying them and always look forward to seeing Nick’s enthusiastic smiley face. The good thing with the class is that it changes every week so you aren’t getting bored of the same routine, burpies aren’t getting any easier though, i’m just putting more effort into them now i’m getting better at them.

I’m definetly starting to see changes..as are others which is nice.  I pulled up to class this morning and was told I was looking trimmer, I can see it too in my arms and my legs, the love handles are shrinking slowly but surely too, yaasss!  I have joined the masses in my neighbourhood and started to go out running as well at least twice a week which is helping with my endurance.

Week two is always when i start reverting to my old ways and stop exercising as much and give up on the healthy food but I am determined to keep this up.

Nick is going to get an assault course going on in the field beside where the class is taken with some hefty tyres and chunky ropes (sounds like fun!) so its about to get tougher, I can’t wait!   When the weather is nice, we train outside which is awesome, looking forward to the wind to dying down so we can be outside more. He will also be doing some one on one personal training with me which i’ll keep you up to date with!

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In the Begining…

Hi, So you found me…so did the producers of Bad Pony Media on Sauchihall St on my lunch break in fact, so when I was asked to screen test for their tv programme and ended up getting the lead role Ithought to myself well.. i’ll need to er stop smoking, eating junk and get down to the gym eeeep! I quit smoking (which was easier than I thought), joined the gym, went 6 days a week for 3 months loved it but ended up at a bit of a loss, gaining muscle where I didn’t want it and not really knowing where i was going wrong.  When you don’t really know what you’re doing and don’t get the right advice, a lot of the time you find yourself confused and giving up so I very easily got distracted by a puppy!  How could I put a wee puppy in a cage and go to the gym when I could take the puppy out and both get exercise! We could go running together, and long walks and I could just get fit that way.
That was all good and well on nice days, but on the cold ones i’d have been glad of a gym as opposed to freezing my ass off throwing a ball for an over enthusiastic puppy who cares not of how cold or wet it is. While she’s thinking ball ball ball im thinking coffee coffee coffee!
Walking the dog was great but its not enough to get me into shape for the role..I needed a Mr Motorvator so when The team at Bad Pony introduced me to my Personal Trainer Nick Kelly, I was over the moon! Finally, i’ll get the right advice and training and a shove in the right direction to get fit and gain the body I’ve always wanted
We were introduced and I found out he does classes near my home which was perfect for me Metafit classes..I had heard of them and agreed to go along..
I had seen a video on Metafit so i knew my it was going to be a fun-filled half hour of squat jumps bunny hops and press ups…my favourite..not! :-s I was ready for it though, bring it on!
Day 1 Training Metafit class
To start off Nick took us through a warm up, talked us through why we warm up before exercise, and took us through the exercises we would be doing throught the workout.  I found his teaching methods very easy to understand and instruction easy to follow. By the end of it i was nackered, i’m glad i hadn’t walked down because i may have keeled over on the way back up the road.
Day two and my legs are sore from all that bunnyhopping, ah know it was easter monday an all but i can assure you i looked NOTHING like a cute little bunny hopping around!


drunk rabbit

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The Dreaded Chicken Loop

Metafit – To work big muscle groups with high intensity intervals and get quick results. This is the reason I am doing it..  and the fact it scares people so I like being the mental one who goes 3 or 4 times a week.

Each week the workout changes and this week Nick has chosen one called the ‘Chicken Loop‘  for us.. what kind of a name is that for a workout?! Loopy chicken more like… (ooh I’ve just discovered how to link things yey!) Names aside,  it’s a killer.  The toughest one yet by far.  It has an extra exercise in each set and also, you get no rest time in the last round of each set either, which was exhausting!
On this particular workout you’ll do a combination of groups of exercises and you’ll do 3 repetitions of each group. Below is an example of a workout : I can’t remember the exact order an exercises but it it goes something like…

  • burpies
  • Hot Hands
  • 2 steps dash forward
  • Running on the Spot

x3 (1st rep 30 secs each with 15 secs rest), (2nd rep 25 secs each with 5 secs rest), (3rd rep 20 secs each with no rest)

  • Skater
  • Comando crawl
  • Push Ups
  • Back Lunge

x3 (1st rep 30 secs each with 15 secs rest), (2nd rep 25 secs each with 5 secs rest), (3rd rep 20 secs each with no rest)

  • Sumo jump
  • Hill climb
  • Side Lunge
  • Crab Crawl

x3 (1st rep 30 secs each with 15 secs rest), (2nd rep 25 secs each with 5 secs rest), (3rd rep 20 secs each with no rest)
Then run through each exercise on e each for 20 secs with 10 seconds rest…….then collapse in a heap and thank Buddy Christ its over!

We had a new face join this week who seemed to enjoy it, so hopefully she’ll be back again.  It’s good when there are a good amount of us but think we’ll need a bigger hall soon!
As hard as it is, I love this class and really look forward to it every day, I feel like I am cheating when I don’t go on a Fri morning. I deffo recommend metafit to anyone who wants to get fit and feel great after a short but max intensity workout. I am feeling and seeing the benifits already.
As I am writing this I’m sitting in my fav pub havin lovely wee refreshing cider and lime but we all need our luxuries else we would all go nuts. One thing to remember… No matter how hard u try if ur going on a new diet and training programme, allow yourself your luxuries but in moderation.. I have discovered your will power will be your biggest hurdle. Strengthen that and your focus will come allong with!
So here’s to next week’s workouts being a bit less crazy, mind you, I still have another day of this feckin lopy chicken shit. Roll on Fri morning! Moahahahaha!
May the force be with you!

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